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发布日期:2024-06-06 05:33    点击次数:201











The Isle Hsu ChiCheng

The water territory holds most part of the globe, therefore it appears many of the islands. Of course, the islet among the sea is the isle, the large land even Asia, Africa, Australia or Oceania, how isn’t it the isle? Isle and continent can be invention originally.

In spite of it’s the isle of humanity, the island where full of treasure, the unmanned island where lies waste, the dust-laden wind island where the dust-laden wind flies wildly, the beautiful coral island, the lonely magic island, if it’s the island, the sailor will like to see it. It often is the place for the sailor to take a rest or supply the means.

If we say the sea is a part of extensive desert, then the island one after one is a piece after a piece of oasis, adds vitality to dull and dry, adorns on a cluster and a cluster of greenness.

If we say the sea is a vernal sky, , then the island one after one is star in the blue sky, winks the crystalline eyes, sparkles the warm radiance…

If we say the sea is the bound of the muse of the thinker, then the island is the shiny light dexterous think, there are sparks of joy limitless which shot out as there is a string of sparkling, and appears the light of wisdom limitless…

When a person hear some crows of the chicken eventually after waiting for the arrival of the dawn during the very long night, or see some strings of dawn, how happy he will! As the same, when the sailor navigates on the vast sea limitless, lonely, helpless, dull, he finds an island eventually, how happy he will!

When a person lost road in the wide forest within remote mountains, he tries to seek for exit many times, but failure, and hears the sound of speaking eventually, how happy he will! The island is the sincere smile or beckon as a sailor solitary in his navigation.

Island, it’s a place which human can’t depart, the more the sailor wishing to see. There dwells how much satisfactory, warmth, console, happy and longing! @



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